Privacy Policy

D B Roberts & Partners are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. If you have any queries or concerns in relation to your personal data and how we use and store it you can contact our Data Protection Manager at or in writing to the Data Protection Manager, D B Roberts & Partners Ltd, 6a The Professional Quarter, Sitka Drive, Emstrey, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG.

This website may include links to third party websites which may allow third parties to collect or share your personal data. We are not responsible for their use of your personal data and cannot control it.

What Information we may collect and how we use it

D B Roberts & Partners Ltd collect, use, store and transfer different types of personal data depending on who you are and what type of services we are providing for you – seller, buyer, landlord, tenant. The personal data we collect and may use includes:

Identity Data – title, name, date of birth, interests and preferences, feedback and survey responses.

Contact Data – email, postal address, telephone number, billing address

Financial Data – Bank account and payment details

IT Data – IP address, browser type & version, location, webpage interaction, operating system and platform.

Transaction Data – details about payments and other services you may have purchased through us.

Marketing & Communications Data – your marketing and communication preferences 

It is important that the personal data we hold about you in accurate and current. Please let us know if your information changes or requires rectifying during your relationship with us by emailing or writing to the Data Protection Manager, D B Roberts & Partners Ltd, 6a The Professional Quarter, Sitka Drive, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG.

How is your Personal Data Collected?

We collect data from and about you in different ways, including:

You may provide us with your identity, contact or financial data in person at one of our branches or via phone, electronically or via post. This includes data you provide when you:

  • Engage our services
  • Create a my dbroberts account via our website
  • Request marketing details to be sent to you
  • Contact us via social media
  • Visit our branch premises
  • Speak with our Marketing Centre
  • Enter a competition or complete a survey

We may also receive data from third parties such as Rightmove & Zoopla both of whom are based inside the EU.

How we use your Personal Data

We have summarised the ways in which we plan to use your personal data in the table attached. We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we have collected it. If we do need to process your personal data for any other purposes which is not compatible with the original purpose we will contact you. In order to comply with our legal obligations we may process your personal data for a different purpose and without your consent if necessary.

Disclosure of your Personal Data

We may share your personal data with the parties set out below. We only allow third parties to use your personal data for specified purposes.

Mortgage Advice Bureau, Premier Property Lawyers  & Iamsold Ltd – where you have consented for us to do so.

UK based service providers acting as processors who provide services to enable us to execute our contract with you – IT service providers, anti money laundering service providers, tenancy deposit scheme, HMRC and other professional advisors acting as processors or joint controllers.

There may be third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer with whom we may choose to merge parts of our business. We may also acquire other businesses – if a change happens in our business the new owners may use your personal data as set out in this privacy statement.

Data Security

Once we hold your personal data we take all reasonable steps to prevent any unauthorised access. Only individuals who need to access your personal data will have access to it and any third parties are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

If we become aware of any data breach we will notify the Information Commissioners Office, should we believe the breach to be serious we may notify you in accordance with our legal requirements.

Your personal data will not be transferred outside of the EU unless agreement is in place offering the same level of protection for your personal data.

If you use our services while you are outside the EEA, your information may be transferred outside the EEA in order to provide you with those services.

Data Retention

In order to comply with legal, accounting and regulatory requirements we hold your personal data for a period of at least 6 years. In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data so that it is not associated with you.

Your Legal Rights

Under data protection laws you have the right to:

  • Ask us for the personal data we hold and process about you
  • The purpose for which we are processing your personal data
  • The categories of personal information we hold about you
  • The recipients to whom your personal data has been disclosed
  • The period for which we store your personal data
  • Request that any inaccurate information we hold about you is corrected
  • Request that we stop using your data for certain purposes
  • Ask that we provide the personal data we hold on you in a commonly used machine readable form.
  • To not be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly affecting you, subject to certain exceptions.

If you consider that our processing of your personal data infringes data protection laws you have the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. You may do this in the EU member state of your habitual residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged infringement. More information about lodging a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (the relevant UK supervisory authority) on the ICO website.

Facebook Integration and Data Processing

When you interact with our website or use our services, you may choose to log in or authenticate using your Facebook account. By doing so, you authorize us to access certain information from your Facebook profile as permitted by Facebook's platform policies.

We may collect the following information from your Facebook profile:

  • Your name
  • Profile picture
  • Email address

This information is used solely for the purpose of providing you with access to our services and enhancing your user experience. We do not post on your behalf or engage in any other activity on Facebook without your explicit consent.

Additionally, please note the following:

  • Data Sharing: We do not share your Facebook-related information with third parties without your consent unless required by law or as necessary for the provision of our services.

  • Data Retention: We retain any Facebook-related information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy or as required by law.

  • User Rights: As a user, you have the right to access, rectify, or delete any personal information we have collected from your Facebook profile. You can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact information provided in this privacy policy.

  • Withdrawal of Consent: If you no longer wish to log in or authenticate using your Facebook account, you can disconnect your Facebook account from our services at any time by adjusting your account settings.

Direct Marketing Policy

We're excited to share our products and services with you, and we want to make sure we're doing it in a way that complies with the law, industry best practice and respects your privacy.


First of all, what is direct marketing? 

It's how we promote our business directly to you, which includes text messages, emails, telephone calls or letters. We take data protection very seriously and have a Data Protection Manager dedicated to making sure we're following all the laws and regulations. If you want to know more about how we process your personal information, you can read our full Privacy Policy here.


We use e-marketing systems called Reapit and Integrated Interest to send you information about our products and services, such as property market insights, special offers and latest news. But don't worry, we only send you these emails if you've given us permission to do so. We comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, so we only send you emails if you've opted in.


At DB Roberts, we're always looking for new ways to connect with our customers and offer them the best products and services. That's why from time to time, you may receive a call from our friendly Customer Support team. All of our calls are recorded. 

If you ever change your mind and don't want to receive marketing emails from us anymore, you can amend your preferences at any time by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in the footer of our marketing emails or by sending an email to and our Data Protection Manager will take care of it for you.


Flyers, leaflets, and letters 

Occasionally we will send out letters addressed to the “legal owner”, “home owner” or “occupier” to raise awareness of our business or to advise of our products and services. Such letters are not considered to be direct marketing as they are not addressed to a person, so these letters do not breach the Direct Marketing Association rules or GDPR. 


How to Contact Us
Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you have any concerns or questions just let us know! If you wish to contact us please email or contact the Data Protection Manager in writing at D B Roberts & Partners Ltd, 6a The Professional Quarter, 6a Sitka Drive, Emstrey, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG.

Let’s start your property journey together.